Here's a randomly generated password for you:


The story of how Debreach'd came into existense started with a certain Password Breach known as the 2013 Yahoo Data Breach...

Back before they were ever sold, they had a massive data breach leaking everyone's password and account details and I was one of the people affected.

Back then, I was still someone who didn't think about using varying passwords for my multiple online accounts, and it ended up costing me quite abit of time and effort, that, even until now, I am not done with yet.


And that's when I thought of creating Debreach'd. Since the start I was wondering what can be done to change the passwords people use in the creation process. I know I would be lazy to keep making new passwords without a password manager, but what if there was an easier way?

Thought Process

With that, I went to thinking, what is possible to implement on the online side of things, the registration side of things. Can I perhaps make the process better? Or maybe make it so people are more inclined to change their passwords? Alert them about their passwords being in a breach?